Pushing Forward: All About Communications Plans

In ‘Pushing Forward’ we explore and discuss trending ideas and topics as we move forward within the PR industry.

You (or your company, or your product, etc.) may have a lot to offer, but if you can’t effectively communicate that value to your audience, they won’t give you the time of day. So, before you spring into action on your next project or campaign, establish who it is you are talking to, what they want to hear, and how you can reach them. A communications plan can help you do this. A strong communications plan will equip you with the tools to deliver effective and consistent messaging to your target audience.

Here are a few articles to get you started on your communications plan.

 Have any other tips for creating a killer communications plan? Let us know on Twitter at @PRTheAgency or comment in the section below!

Make sure you check back next month for more stories discussing our next PR topic!