The Swing of Things: Linda North

Formally known as ‘Questions for the PR Industry’ , The Swing of Things will be jumping into 2018 with some more insights and experiences from professionals and experts around the world in the PR industry.

For the January edition, we had a chat with Linda North, founder of NorthPR in Toronto.

Linda has worked with Fortune 500 companies, world-renowned doctors, highly successful Canadian entrepreneurs, passionate non-profits and connected home leaders. She worked at large global PR agencies, a small integrated marketing firm and in-house at a startup. Finding her passion for entrepreneurship, she started her own PR company, NorthPR, where she focuses on B2B companies and startups.

Linda North
Founder, NorthPR

Through your experiences, what has changed the most about the Public Relations industry in recent years?

This probably won’t surprise anyone, but the diminishing newsrooms and the increase of influencers. As my media lists get shorter, my influencer lists grow. This means getting media attention on your client’s story becomes increasingly difficult, but certainly not impossible. Telling good stories to the right journalists, and never ‘spray and praying’ when sending press releases, is absolutely essential.

What advice would you have for graduates that are starting their Public Relations careers?

Be open to all opportunities that come your way. You may have a path in mind but your path may turn on its head. In my PR school interview, I told them I had no interest in working at a PR agency. Most of my experience, except for a 9-month in-house stint, has been in agencies. I also had no interest in technology, but I started in technology PR and am now working mostly with tech startups!

However, if you start your PR career in an agency cold calling media about a really boring story idea, you are in the wrong place! If it feels wrong, it likely is wrong.

Finally, be creative, be bold and get sh*t done.

What are the three words that, for you, sum up working in PR? and what makes these words fuel your passion in the industry?


You need to believe in your clients’  stories and what you are promoting. You will sleep better at night and wake up excited about work the next day.


The more creative your ideas, the more excited you are to share those ideas.


PR people are connectors. Whether it’s at an event, an email you send, or someone you meet through a mutual connection, the people we meet throughout the day can lead our careers down spectacular paths.

Thank you for chatting with us, Linda!

Have a story you would like to share? Let us know on Twitter at @PRTheAgency or in the comment section below!