Telling your company story is something that all entrepreneurs must do on a daily basis, especially if you are seeking funding, looking for greater exposure, or simply need to grow your sales [...]
Each month we reach out to journalists and media professionals to chat with them about their experiences in the industry. This month we had the opportunity to chat with Cailynn Klingbeil, a [...]
By: Kelsey Marklund, Account Executive at The Agency | @TheAgencyKelsey As with any project that requires a set of tools to build something, developing and executing a public relations strategy [...]
Each month we have been reaching out to notable communications professionals to ask them a few questions about their experiences and interests, with the goal of providing some insights to others [...]
By Arleigh Vasconcellos, Principal at The Agency | @ArleighGV Building and maintaining relationships with the media is a key tool to an effective media relations strategy. It is important to note [...]