By: Kelsey Marklund, Account Executive at The Agency | @TheAgencyKelsey Earlier this month we reminisced on some of the responses we’ve received from PR professionals through our ‘Questions for [...]
By: Kelsey Marklund, Account Executive at The Agency | @TheAgencyKelsey I have had the opportunity to chat with a number of esteemed public relations professionals and to share their advice, [...]
Each month we have been reaching out to notable communications professionals to ask them a few questions about their experiences and interests, with the goal of providing some insights to others [...]
So, you’ve launched (or are about to launch) your business. What’s next? One major “to-do” to tackle is Public Relations, or PR. PR is how you promote your company, or how you ‘toot your [...]
Each month we have been reaching out to notable communications professionals to ask them a few questions about their experiences and interests, with the goal of providing some insights to others [...]