What’s Your Brand Story? Storytelling Workshop

What’s your brand story? No, we’re not asking what year your company was founded, how many employees you have, or if you have a ping-pong table in your office. We want to hear what you tell clients, investors, prospects, etc. to get them hooked on your “big idea.” People only retain a small portion of what you tell them, so ask yourself what you want them to remember about your company and choose your words accordingly.

If you don’t have the answer to this question just yet, don’t fret. Storytelling is our jam, and we want to help YOU tell YOUR brand story. While we can’t tell you what that story is, we can help you tell it in a way that’s meaningful to your key audiences.

Let‘s Get Started

If you’re a B2B founder and you’re ready to tell your brand story more effectively, then we have just the thing! Join us on February 20th for a Storytelling Workshop, facilitated by Arleigh Vasconcellos, Managing Director of The Agency.

This 2-hour hands-on workshop will give you the opportunity to work how you tell your brand story. Often, founders do not take the time that’s necessary to sit down and really think this stuff through, so we are penciling that time in for you! Be prepared to work: there will be exercises and we’ll be asking some tough questions to get you thinking. The workshop is designed to help you take all of your existing knowledge and company history, combine it with your brand’s core values, and mold it into a story worth sharing.

What To Expect

We’ll tackle your core messaging (your business’s BIG idea), help you define your key audiences, give you examples of what to avoid, and offer feedback every step of the way! The story you tell someone that you meet at a networking event around a cheese platter is going to be different than the one you present to a potential investor, but the core message should be the same. We’re really into consistent and descriptive brand stories that leave out the fluff, and we hope that by the end of this workshop, you are too.

The workshop will take place at The Commons, a coworking space located in The Ramsay Design Center in Calgary, AB. We’re thrilled to partner with our favourite coworking space, The Commons, to bring the workshop to life! Get your tickets, join us there, and get ready to work!

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