The Swing of Things: Geraldine Anderson

Formerly known as ‘Questions for the PR Industry,’ The Swing of Things brings a fresh insight from professionals and experts around the world within the Public Relations industry.

For the February edition, we chatted with Geraldine Anderson, Manager of Corporate and Public Affairs, with TD supporting Prairie Region. She is a seasoned communicator, with over 10 years of experience in media relations, issues management, and government relations.

Geraldine Anderson
Manager, Corporate and Public Affairs, TD

  1. What was one mistake you made in your career and what did you learn from it?
    Early on in my career I sent information to a reporter with the same name as my client. Luckily I was able to remedy the situation by calling the reporter and explaining my mistake and letting them know that the information I sent was not finalized. Also promptly informed my boss so he was aware. In the end I was able to mitigate it but I’ve learned my lesson to double, triple, quadruple check email address, specifically when sending sensitive information!
  2. What qualities does a PR practitioner need to have in order to be successful in the industry?
    – Willingness to learn and natural curiosity
    – High EQ and AQ
    – Integrity and authenticity
    – Good writer

  3. What are your favourite social media platforms?
    Personally – Instagram
    Professionally – Twitter

Thanks, Geraldine!

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