Questions for the PR Industry: John Kageorge

Each month we have been reaching out to notable communications professionals to ask them a few questions about their experiences and interests, with the goal of providing some insights to others in the industry. For the September edition of ‘Questions for the PR Industry’ we spoke with John Kageorge, a communications strategist with a focus on stakeholder engagement and issues management for companies in the US and Canada.

2xwo7oheJohn Kageorge
Strategist, Vital Communications

Why did you decide to pursue a career in public relations?

In high school, I enjoyed the idea of ‘representing’ and speaking for groups and issues. As my studies progressed through university, the concept of selling ‘ideas’ instead of ‘widgets’ became irresistible. To this day, it is extremely satisfying to bring different parties together for a common purpose.

What skills do you believe are crucial for engaging with stakeholders?

Being able to interpret and digest what is said (and not said) is critical when meeting, gaining trust, and working with stakeholders. In other words, listening is the most valuable skill when engaging stakeholders.

What do you see as the future direction of the PR industry?

The information revolution is making the success of companies and organizations extraordinarily dependent on reputation. This is catapulting PR Pros to the C-Suite, as no profession is more capable of hearing from and influencing the public.

Thanks, John.

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