Pro Tips for a Top-Performing Website

From sales facilitation, lead generation, connecting to your audience and expressing your brand’s personality, your website has a role in every aspect of your business and is often your customers’ first, or sometimes only interaction with your brand.

Creating a website has become easier and more accessible with the help of online tools and resources. But how can you optimize a website to perform to its full potential and provide the best possible user experience? 

We’ve come up with a list of five top tips that will set your website apart from others and effectively support your business needs. 

Design Intuitive Navigation.

Life is tough enough to figure out, your website shouldn’t be. It should be simple and intuitively designed so users can find what they’re looking for in just a few clicks. 

A good website is like a well-connected web of information and action. You can strengthen your site’s stickiness (how long it keeps the user engaged) by increasing interactive elements and by providing lots of links to your wider site so users will cross-browse your content.

Enhance SEO.

Improving your website’s search engine optimization, or SEO, will increase the visibility of your website in web searches. Your SEO can be influenced by on-page factors such as product page title, related images/videos and inserting relevant keywords. Off-page factors such as social media marketing and links to your website from external webpages also improve SEO. 

Be Mobile-Friendly. 

Today, mobile devices account for 60% of internet usage worldwide, so it’s no surprise that Google practices mobile-first indexing. That means it’s no longer just a good idea to make sure your website functions and renders properly on a mobile device. It’s business critical.

Use High-Quality Visuals.

A picture is worth 1000 words, right? So no need to bog your website down with too much text. Using high-quality images that compliment your content and visually align with your brand can do wonders.

But don’t forget that images and videos require optimization with size, captions and alt text, while maintaining the text to HTML ratio.

Run A/B Tests.

Essentially, A/B testing is when you run two different versions of your website and see which one performs better. Half of your users will get one version, while the other half will see another. The results from these tests can inform what changes need to be made to your site to optimize it for what you want it to do, such as lead generation or sales.   

It is best practice to run A/B tests on your website regularly so you can ensure your website is functioning at its full potential.

These are just some of the top tips to make your website more effective and successful. It’s important to keep in mind that your website is unique to your business’ needs, so how you implement these best practices should depend on your website goals.

Want to chat about how to make your website work better for you? Reach out to our marketing team and we’d be happy to take a look!

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